Wellcome to the opening of photo exhibition ‘In the Women’s Hands’ that will be on 2nd of September 2014 at Layer house in Kranj at 8 p.m.. Details follow soon 🙂 // Vabljeni na odtvoritev fotografske razstave ‘V ženskih rokah’ , ki bo 2. septembra 2014 v Layerjevi hiši, v Kranju ob 20.uri. Podrobnosti sledijo […]
Archive for julij, 2014
Few impressions that I took of Sun Ra Arkestra with my little camera on 18th of July 2014 in the centre of Ljubljana and some more that I took with the big one from Cerkno the next day.
Spent nice time at 55. Ljubljana Jazz Festival and heard some nice music. Will slowly fill up the album 🙂