Glad we have such great concerts space in Ljubljana as it is in Cukrarna. We spent great afternoon/evening at performance, lecture, conversation & concert of JAN ST. WERNER & MATS GUSTAFSSON & MICHAEL AKSTALLER on 26th of April 2022. Sounds: Jan St. Werner, Mats Gustafsson, Erwin Keravec, Dirk Rothbrust Speaker panels: Michael Akstaller Composition: Jan […]
Archive for april, 2022
Tamara Obrovac Trans Adriatic Quartet Prejšnjo soboto (16.4.2022) sem prvič obiskal Tolmin in moram priznati, da je lep kraj, še posebej, če tam slišiš še dobro glasbo. Zame je bilo prvič tudi koncert Tamare Obrovac Trans Adriatic Quartet v Kinogledališču Tolmin. Tamara Obrovac – glas, Stefano Battaglia – klavir, Salvatore Maiore – bas, Krunoslav Levačić […]
DOUBLE JAZZ on Sunday Sometimes it takes time that I manage to make the photos from concerts, but than it is even sweeter to relive the music again 🙂 Here are some pics from the beautiful (first) concert of masters I always love to hear Agusti Fernandez, Zlatko Kaučič & Martin Küchen that took place […]
Včasih so neplanirani večeri nekaj najboljšega, kot je bil včerajšnji (12. April 2022). Uspelo se mi je udeležiti koncerta Drago Ivanuša Magnetik v okviru Cankarjevih torkov, v Ljubljani. Drago Ivanuša, klavir, elektronika; Vita Kobal, violina; Urška Supej, električna kitara; Lola Mlačnik, tolkala; Žiga Golob, kontrabas
STEVE SWELL / MATS GUSTAFSSON / ELISABETH HARNIK at Kulturhof: Villach on 30th of March 2022 Beautiful night with beautiful sounds & thankful to be there 🙂 Steve Swell, tb Elisabeth Harnik, p Mats Gustafsson, reeds