Exhibition Petras’ World in Ljubljana City Library
Wellcome to my photo exhibition in Ljubljana City Library from 7th till 28th of February. There will be no official opening, but you can join me at Metropol bar in Kersnikova ulica (near by Library) on 7th February around 7 P. M. to mingle 😉 //
Vabljeni na ogled foto razstave Petrin svet, ki bo v Mestni knjižnici Ljubljana med 7. in 28. februarjem. Uradne odtvoritve ne bo, ste pa lepo vabljeni v Metropol (zelo blizu knjižnice na Kersnikovi ulici) 7. februarja okoli sedme ure zvečer, da se vseeno malo podružimo 🙂
More about this project:
Petra Cvelbar is a photographer that you can often encounter under the stage as the music is her great love. Over the last few years she diligently record concerts here in Slovenia and abroad, but her world can be different as well. This will be presented with a selection of photographs, which bears a simple title Petras’ World. This is a world full of intimate moments, when her imagination meets reality. When she fly up among the clouds and returns back to the ground. Petras’ world was created almost by accident when she played with their iphone. Photos followed and so sometimes there is every day a new one, yet again there is needed more time for a new story to be born. Project already has more than 200 photos (you can follow it on her FB page). The exhibition will put on display a few selected photos.
You are kindly invited to the exhibition!
Več o tem projektu:
Petra Cvelbar je fotografinja, ki jo največkrat srečamo pod odrom, saj je glasba njena velika ljubezen. Zadnjih nekaj let pridno beleži koncerte pri nas in v tujini, vendar pa je njen svet lahko tudi drugačen. To bo predstavila z izborom fotografij, ki nosi preprost naslov Petrin svet. To je svet, poln intimnih trenutkov, ko se njena domišljija sreča z realnostjo. Ko odlebdi pod oblake in se vrne na tla. Petrin svet je nastal precej naključno, ko se je ‘igrala’ s svojim mobilnim telefonom in je eni fotografiji sledila druga. Včasih se skoraj vsak dan rodi nova, drugič traja dolgo, da nastane zgodba tistega dne. Skupaj ima projekt že več kot 200 fotografij (sledite mu lahko na njeni FB-strani). Razstava bo na ogled postavila le nekaj izbranih fotografij.
Prisrčno vabljeni!